The major premise of Chinese medical theory is that all the forms of life in the universe are animated by an essential life-force or vital energy called qi (氣). 氣 also means "breath" and "air" in Chinese, and is similar to the Hindu practice of prana. 氣 is often understood as transferable and transmutable: digestion extracts 氣 from food and drink and transfers it to the body; breathing extracts 氣 from air and transfers it to the lungs. When these two forms of 氣 meet in the blood stream, they transmute to form human-氣, which then circulates throughout the body as vital energy. It is the quality, quantity, and balance of your qi that determines your state of health and span of life.
PostsA healthy dose of posts explaining the benefits of using herbal medicine. ArchivesCategoriesAuthorJennifer Sun |